Welcome To Travanco
Travancore Rural Development Producer Company Ltd (TRAVANCO), Adoor is the first producer company in India under the companies Act.
The liberalization policy of Govt of India introduced during the 1990’s served to spur to re-energize the socio economic development of the country.
Under this situation, New Age Co-operatives known as PRODUCER COMPANIES evolved. As such, Indian Companies Act was amended in 2002 under article PART IX A of the ACT. Accordingly producer companies were implemented in India through a gazette notification dated 6th February 2003. On the basis of this provision ours is the second producer company registered in Kerala under the companies Act.
In 2004, Companies Act of 1956 was amended to incorporate a new type of entity called PRODUCERS COMPANY. To make the cooperative segment more professional and technologically sound to build next green revolution.
The objective of Producer companies were to support the primary producer or farmer by providing training in latest technologies, use of modern equipment’s and inputs and to eventually create successful agriprenuers.
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